On the occasion of the 1300th anniversary of St. Ottilia's death (born around 660, died 12/13/720), the Museum presented selected representations of the saint from St. Ottilien Archabbey. The exhibition included large and small statues from different epochs connected to varying attributes of the saint. 

The legend of St Ottilia is mainly based on a biography of the 10th century. 
Duke Eticho’s daughter was born blind, therefore her father ordered to have her killed. Her mother Berswinde saved Ottilia by sending her to Palma monastery. On her baptism by bishop Erhard of Regensburg the twelve year old gained eyesight.

Later her brother sent for her to come home but her father was so enraged about this that he killed his son. Ottilia brought her brother back to life but had to flee once again from her father. She escaped the persecution by hiding in a suddenly appearing crevice. Many years later, the reconciliation between Ottilia and her seriously ill father succeeded. In 690, he gave her a piece of land on the Odilienberg (Ottilia’s mountain) in Alsace where she founded a nunnery and became its first abbess. There she cared for her parents until they died. St. Ottilia died at Niedermünster abbey at the foot of the Odilienberg, which she had also founded. The chalice from which she drank shortly before her death was shown to pilgrims as late as 1546. Her grave is at the Odilienberg, today still one of the most important pilgrimage sites in France. Water of the spring there is estimated for being helpful when suffering from eye diseases.

Since St. Ottilia is said to have gained eyesight on her baptism she is mostly pictured with a pair of eyes on top of a book, probably the Bible. The rooster attribute refers to the crowing of a rooster in the morning before the sun (= Christ) rises and so announces Christ as the light.

Pfeil runterLarge statue of St. Ottilia

Statue of St. Ottilia as abbess with book (attribute of the saint) and staff as sign of her title. 
Wood, painted and gilt, beginning of 17th century.


Pfeil runterBaroque statue of St. Ottilia

Small statue of St. Ottilia as abbess with staff and her typical attrivute, a pair of eyes on top of a book.
Wood, painted and partly gilt, 18th century.
The statue came as a donation to St. Ottilien at the beginning of the 20th century.


Pfeil runterLate Gothic statue of St. Ottilia

The color of the dress points rather to a St. Elisabeth or St. Mechthild. Hands and the eyes on top of the book are the result of a later adaptation to St. Ottilia.
Wood, painted, around 1500.
From the collection of Monsignor Heinrich Winterholler (1931-1997), donated in the 1990ies to Bishop Viktor Josef Dammertz OSB (1929 – 2020). 

Pfeil runterStatue of St. Ottilia with rooster

New woodcarving, presentation not typical (here, Ottilia reads in the book).
Wood, painted, partly gilt, second half of 20th century.
Woodcarving by Ohmayer workshop, Oberstdorf.

Pfeil runterOttilia booklet

The so-called Ottilia booklet by Father Cyrill Wehrmeister OSB (1869 – 1943) was reprinted several times in the beginning of the 20th century to spread veneration of St. Ottilia and pilgrimage to St. Ottilien archabbey. 

Pfeil runterTop of cantor's staff

The cantor's staff with Ottilia's statue is unique. Before the Second Vatican Council, in many Benedictine abbeys the first cantor carried his own staff in Pontifical masses as an insignium.
Metal, gilt and silver-plated, end of 19th century.


Pfeil runterDevotional pictures

Devotional pictures from still existing "Liebeswerk of St. Benedict".